% WARNING: This file may contain UTF-8 (unicode) characters. % While non-8-bit characters are officially unsupported in BibTeX, you % can use them with the biber backend of biblatex % usepackage[backend=biber]{biblatex} @techreport{NBERw25276, title = "Volatility Risk Pass-through", author = "Colacito, Riccardo and Croce, Mariano Max and Liu, Yang and Shaliastovich, Ivan", institution = "National Bureau of Economic Research", type = "Working Paper", series = "Working Paper Series", number = "25276", year = "2018", month = "November", doi = {10.3386/w25276}, URL = "http://www.nber.org/papers/w25276", abstract = {We develop a novel measure of volatility pass-through to assess international propagation of output volatility shocks to macroeconomic aggregates, equity prices, and currencies. An increase in country's output volatility is associated with a decrease in its output, consumption, and net exports. The average consumption pass-through is 50% (a 1% increase in output volatility increases consumption volatility by 0.5%) and it increases to 70% for shocks originating in smaller countries. The equity volatility pass-through is 90%, whereas the link between volatility of currency and fundamentals is weak. A novel channel of risk sharing of volatility risks can explain our empirical findings.}, }